Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Happy New Year!

I know...too little, too late, but I am back. Like I said in my last post, I have been extremely busy with writing for my dissertation and for Grace the Spot. January has also been full of starting my Women's Studies class: Intro to Lesbian Studies. I have entered and been trying to stand firm in the land of Lesbos.
For detail-oriented people, I will spell out my life in bullets.
• My wife and I are planning a wedding for June
• My wife and I are planning on moving in May
• My wife and I are planning on moving back sans most our stuff in July (my fault as I am not going to be done)
• I am teaching Intro to Lesbian Studies
• I am writing a dissertation and finishing all the bulls**t that comes with it
• It’s cold in Iowa
• The dog is cold in Iowa
• I am tired

To sum up, I am sorry about not posting more often. A lot has gone on and been going on in the gay world.

Obama is now President and everything is peaches and cream. Don't I wish. He has been making quite a few major executive orders, but I doubt we will see any major changes for the LGBT community soon. There are a lot of fish to fry and not a lot of fridays to fry them on.

The L Word is back on. I don't have cable, so I have AfterEllen and Grace the Spot to keep me cozy until I am able to see them on DVD or On Demand this summer. Jenny is dead, so I can't wait to see this season. After all, it is the little things that keep me happy. Better direction and writing seem to be too much to ask, so I have to focus on the good stuff when it happens.

Nothing has happened to our civil marriage in California and it doesn't look like anyone is pushing that too hard. It seems the people who got married are going to stay married for now. We live in a "take what we can get" society, so I'm happy to oblige.

We are looking ahead to Iowa's decision on Gay Marriage...don't know what the verdict will be, but we can only hope the place that helped Barack Obama will be the place to help a marginalized community.

For now, I will promise to update this blog as I can. I am not sure who reads it, but it is now linked from Grace the Spot, so I will do my best. If anyone would like to help blog, please write. I can't stay on top of it all. The list above keeps me pretty busy.

Happy New Year,


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just a quick little update.

I have been blogging non-stop (or so it feels for Grace the Spot) while trying to keep up with returning back to school and planning a wedding. I do all this while trying to finish a doctoral program I feel so lost about.

The holiday break went well. I got to see good friends, hang out with family, and get all the stuff ready for the wedding and the move in May. It seems all is falling into place and my homesickness gets worse for the ware. This time both my wife and I had tears. Leaving L.A. is not easy.

I wanted to put this post up so that people know I am still alive. I am very tired and still trying to catch up with life starting up again. Also, I am slow to get into the groove, but highly motivated to get out of here. I am also looking forward to ridding my world of more possessions and starting over fresh with my wife. Holding onto the past is no good for me. I can't wait to move forward and finally start my life. No holds barred.

I will post again soon with more updates and more thoughts. In the next few weeks a lot will happen in America. Change is coming. I can feel it.

Hope all is well. Read Grace the Spot in the interim.
